

The Peng Huoth Group values giving back to the community, and has committed a fair amount of its profit to four main areas: education, healthcare, environment and the community.

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  • Peng Huoth Group Joins to Clean up the Environment on World Clean-up Day in Cambodia

    15 Sep 2018

    Peng Huoth Group Joins to Clean up the Environment on World Clean-up Day in Cambodia

  • Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Presided Over Inauguration Ceremony of Chey Mongkul Pagoda in Kampong Cham Province

    01 Mar 2018

    Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Presided Over Inauguration Ceremony of Chey Mongkul Pagoda in Kampong Cham Province

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